Monday, March 3, 2014

PROJECT 5-Participation

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Good, you can probably find a few me colors in each of them though.-

A lot of the pictures in the mood boards look very similar to each other. It would be nice to see the range of the concept you are showing off.

The mood boards could be a little more organized to get rid of the white space.

You should add more images to each mood board. It will get the concept across more.

Great job, maybe just tighten up the mood boards to create less excess space.

I would add more images to each mood board to get the range of the concept across.

The swatches seem a little unorganized, besides that maybe just a few more pictures and it'll be good.

I like the dinosaur, just add a few more images and it would be very good.

Good job, just a couple more images on each mood board would be better. 

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In order to improve my mood boards, I would consider changing the swatches from a checkerboard theme to align next to one another. I would also try to add a few more swatches to some of the mood boards. For instance, I would try and add some more orange, red, and yellow to the second mood board to get the theme of fire in there.

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