Monday, February 24, 2014

PROJECT 4-Participation

The bottom text seems a little tight. I like the form, maybe just restructure it to look even.

Really love it. If you space it out a little bit more I bet it would be perfect.

I like the design. Only negative is that some of the graphics do not seem relevant. Could be more specific to your design.

I like the design. A little more explanation during the presentation would have been nice though.

Kinda squeezed in the text for the bottom image. Make use of the white space at the bottom more too.

Some of the text is a little tight.

Space it out a little more and it will appear more clean.

Add a little more "fluff". It drawl the eye more and grab more attention.

     I could improve my design by possibly reconsidering the chosen font. I could use it to make the words pop out more. Also, the contrast or color scheme could be altered to emphasize different area's more and drawl the eye. More so, I could center my paragraphs to be more organized to help others read the document. Lastly, I should probably make sure the images are appropriately put into the document so it does not look distorted.

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